Guest Author Blog: Top signs you’re dating an alien by C.K McDonnell

Blog, Books, C.K McDonnell, The Stranger Times

It has come to my attention that the internet, while full of dating advice, is very limited in the kind of guidance it offers. It’s all stuff like ‘how to find the perfect man in eleven seconds’, ‘eighteen ways to flirt with a member of the emergency services without costing lives’ and ‘947 signs that you might be a little too intense.’

Sure, those are fine, but it doesn’t address the really big questions like, for example, is the person I’m dating literally from another planet?

Seriously, think back on your dating life – there’s no way all of those freaks were human.

With that in mind, here are fifteen quick and easy tips to tell if your hottie is an ET on the QT…

Love Will Tear Us Apart by C.K. McDonnell is the third book in the critically acclaimed comic-fantasy series, The Stranger Times and is out now.

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