
Publisher: DC Comics Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo Back in 2017, the dynamic duo of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo unleashed Dark Nights: Metal, a DC-wide crossover event that pitted the Justice league against Barbatos, God Of The Dark Multiverse. This adventure gave birth to a whole suite of twisted alternate reality Batmans, each
This story is presented by: Characters don’t usually last too long on AMC’s zombie epic The Walking Dead.  Frequent, major character deaths are bound to happen amid a dangerous post-apocalyptic environment rife with ravenous corpses. The culling of cast is also just a fact of life for a physically demanding acting job that requires performers
Director: Oliver Milburn Writer: Oliver Milburn Cast: Alex Macqueen, Anthony Head, Samantha Bond, Oscar Kennedy, Liam Lau Fernandez Distributor: Rebellion Young Lee Keegan (Oscar Kennedy) thinks the world is over when he’s expelled from St. Mark’s School for Boys, after pulling a practical joke involving a locker cabinet. However, little does he know the world
This guest post was written by Caroline Hardaker, author of Composite Creatures, a character-driven science fiction debut about the burgeoning relationship between two people set in a melancholic and mundane near-future climate change dystopia. When we think, we escape our biological bodies. We hardly ever reflect on it, but from the day we’re born until
Author: Caroline Hardaker Publisher: Angry Robot Books Released: Out now Set in a dystopian near future world where pollution has caused animals to die out, the soil to become so poisonous that the soles of your shoes will burn through should you stand still long enough and a lilac sky full of toxins that will
Studio Ghibli’s latest feature film animation Earwig And The Witch, directed by Goro Miyazaki (From Up On Poppy Hill, Tales From Earthsea), will arrive in UK and Irish cinemas in May. Check out the fun the trailer for the film here… <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”>&#65279;</span> Based on the
In an industry dependent on ever-changing technology, there’s no video game company quite like Nintendo. They made a name for themselves as the company so synonymous with gaming that parents called every game console “Nintendos” for years to come, and they’re still the source of some of gaming’s greatest modern experiences. There have been a
Author: Clay McLeod Chapman Publisher: Quirk Books Released: Out Now Price: £15.99 Hardback When five-year-old Sean comes home from school with suspicious bruises on his thigh it’s not long before his teacher is under suspicion. That suspicion soon turns sensational when rumours of a satanic cult infiltrating the town start to take root and Sean
Hosts discuss Runaways for the episode “Refraction.” AFTERBUZZ TV — Runaways edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of Hulu’s Runaways. In this episode hosts Chae Jones, Oliver Drennan, Ashley Brinkman, and Mina Wahab discuss episode 7 with Allegra Acosta. RSS Feed: Subscribe to our NEW YouTube Channels: Drama – Comedy – Animation –
Warning: contains spoilers for Line of Duty series 6 episode 4 Nothing is standalone in this Line of Duty series six; everything is linked back to what’s gone before. Ryan Pilkington, Terry Boyle, Steph Corbett, Ian Buckells, Jimmy Lakewell, Blackthorn Prison, Lee Banks, even Jackie Laverty… all of them ‘previously on’ characters who’ve made a reappearance and dragged the
This The Simpsons review contains spoilers. The Simpsons Season 32 Episode 17 The Simpsons Season 32 episode 17 ” Burger Kings,” continues to charbroil Springfield mythology into tasty nuggets of classic comedy. With so much grease built up over the years, the cooks are unafraid to refry old dishes as new cuisine. This season has
This Shameless review contains spoilers. Shameless Season 11 Episode 12 “We’re still here. We’re surviving, right?”  Most people would likely not argue that Shameless’s best years are behind it. Showtime, its cable network, even briefly had a reputation for bleeding series dry long after they should have ended. However, even the most egregious examples of
This The Nevers review contains spoilers. The Nevers Episode 1 Who is The Nevers for? Not kids, clearly. The frolicsome humour, cartoony performances and grade school social commentary might suggest so, but the nudity, cursing and blood say no. It’s meant for adults then, those of us happy to go along with the essential YA-ness of its ‘Victorian orphanage
This Fear the Walking Dead review contains spoilers.  Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 8 Well, damn. This is a real heartbreaker of an episode, isn’t it? If you haven’t heeded the spoiler warning above, here’s another one for you: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD for this episode. If for some reason you jumped straight to this review without first watching
Whether you don’t know the difference between a mark and a bump or you can name the main event of every WrestleMania, you’re probably aware of at least some of the absolute best wrestling games of all-time. Titles like SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain, WWF No Mercy, and WCW/NWO Revenge have transcended the popularity of