The internet has been a-flurry with Willow chat this week after Deadline (written by Nellie Andreeva) announced that the series was to be “Canceled After One Season On Disney+”, with fans and viewers alike offering differing opinions on the news.
Now, series showrunner Jon Kasden has taken to social media to address the matter, first criticizing Deadline’s headline: “I also appreciate that punchy headlines drive clicks,” he said. “So I understand how ‘Willow Canceled After One Season On Disney+” is fun and juicy. However, as I’m nearly certain I’ve had more conversations about this in the last couple of weeks than Nellie Andreeva (of whom I remain an ardent fan), I feel fairly confident that, if asked, neither I, nor the folks at Lucasfilm, would or have actually characterized it quite that way.”
Kasden continues to explain that the actors of the series have been released to pursue other projects as “Willow won’t resume filming in the next 12 months” but that Volume II of the series has been developed and written, which “builds on the characters and story of our first eight chapters (The Wyrm survives!)”.
“I am confident I speak for everyone involved when I say that we’d all like nothing more than to deliver Volume II, on the scale expected and demanded by the story we’re telling,” he continued.
However, he did clarify that: “Are we going into pre-production? Not right now. Does that mean we’re never gonna make it? Absolutely not.”
Kasden points out that even Willow didn’t get its sequel for 35 years and so hope is still out there for a Volume II of his series.

He also addresses the fandom to say that perhaps isn’t the best time to demand more episodes of Willow (“I recommend preserving your outrage for the many real outrages in the world”).
As for those who didn’t like the series? “I’ve had the privilege of playing in sandboxes built by George Lucas, and stewarded (with deepest care and love) by Kathy Kennedy, for nine years,” he said. “If you’ve hated the castles I’ve built, or helped build, in those sandboxes, this news should come as a tremendous relief and welcome respite.
“I know the fandom can be divisive,” he continues. “I know sometimes people say mean things, but I gotta tell ya, from deep inside… that has not been my experience at all. I love you guys!”
So is this the end for Willow? Nothing is for certain but we can safely say we won’t be seeing more episodes of the series in the near future. However, such is the joy of streaming services, you can still watch Volume I on Disney+ here.
Read Jon Kasden’s full statement here.