The Righteous: Exclusive Arrow Video clip for upcoming chiller

Exclusive, On-Demand, The Righteous

Written and directed by Mark O’Brien, The Righteous is a dark chiller about a burdened man, Frederic who feels the wrath of a vengeful God, after he and his wife are visited by a mysterious stranger. The movie is out this June on the Arrow streaming service but before then, we have a sneak peek into the film right here!

Check out our exclusive clip, which features Henry Czerny who plays Frederic and Mimi Kuzyk, who plays his wife, Ethel, here…

The Righteous follows Frederic (Henry Czerny), a grieving man struggling with his faith, who helps an injured young man, Aaron Smith (Mark O’Brien) who stumbles onto his property one night, claiming to be lost in the woods. Frederic and his wife (Mimi Kuzyk) invite the man to stay for the night, but Frederic soon begins to have doubts about this enigmatic stranger’s story – and his motives for being there. When Aaron asks Frederic to commit an unspeakable deed, it becomes clear that the man is not who he seems, and has been sent to test the very limits of Frederic’s existence…

Written and directed by Mark O’Brien (in his bebut feature), the movie stars stars O’Brien himself (Ready or Not), Henry Czerny (Ready or Not) and Mimi Kuzyk (Y: The Last Man).

The Righteous will be released on the ARROW streaming service on 10 June. 

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